3.2 Local position

Position of aspect models
Because we work with several aspect models – rather than one all-encompassing model – it is necessary to coordinate the position of the various aspect models in relation to the point of origin.
- At the beginning of the process, the point of origin is carefully defined by the initiator so that it can be used throughout the life cycle.
- The point of origin is the basic starting point of a coordination model.
- Check whether the aspect models are superimposed correctly when working with several aspect models.
Practical considerations
- It is recommended that the distance from the point of origin to the intersection of the first pattern in the x and y directions be such that the point of origin is outside the construction.
- If necessary, place a coordinated reference object at the point of origin for mutual coordination. In that case, make sure that this reference object is outside the construction and take into account the z-direction and a 100% overlap with each reference object in the other aspect models.
- The geo-reference of the point of origin can be given as a property to the model, so that it can be displayed in GIS viewers at the right place in the world.