3.3 Construction level arrangement and naming - digiGO

3.3 Construction level arrangement and naming

Correct construction levels

We create uniformity and consistency in the construction levels of the aspect models, so that the aspect models and their IFC extracts can be used unambiguously in a project. Ensure that the names and levels of the construction levels are the same across different aspect models. The principle of consistent naming is that aspect models can be sorted numerically, supplemented by a textual description.

What is a storey?

A storey is an accessible layer. The top of the finished floor is the BuildingStorey boundary, which means that the BuildingStorey is also the space boundary. In IFC files, there can therefore only be one BuildingStorey per storey. Auxiliary storeys (think: top elevation structural floor) may only exist in the native files.

  • Make agreements about the Level in relation to the BuildingStoreys, so that each party uses the same height in relation to the Level=0.
  • Foundations are not considered a separate BuildingStorey. The foundation elements belong to the storey on which the foundation rests (in general, the lower -1 basement or the 00 ground floor).
  • Floor-bearing beams belong to the same BuildingStorey as the floor they support.
  • Multiple building parts may have separate BuildingStoreys. The building part may then be included in the naming convention.
  • Mezzanine floors that need to be named as a BuildingStorey get an addition: -a, -b, -c, etc.
  • The top floor of a building may be named as: ‘roof’ or ‘storey’. For buildings with multiple roofs, it is most consistent not to use the term ‘roof’.
  • Elements that cross storeys belong to the floor on which they are placed. The determining factor is often how it will be physically made.

The naming of BuildingStoreys is project-related. For example, a construction level name is composed as follows:

<code><poss. mezzanine letter>space<description>

  • 01 first floor
  • 01a mezzanine floor
  • 02 second floor
  • 03 third floor
  • Etc.

Figure 3.3: Layout of BuildingStoreys. Red parts: objects belonging to ’00 Ground Floor’, blue parts: objects belonging to ’01 First Floor’.