4.3 Load-bearing/Non-load-bearing



As a project team, you want to be able to filter which components contribute to the structural safety of a structure. The LoadBearing property (load-bearing=TRUE / non-load-bearing=FALSE) is only assigned to the primary and secondary structural components. An example:

  • Primary structural components that do contribute to the stability of the building have the value TRUE for the LoadBearing parameter.
  • Secondary structural components that do not contribute to the stability of the building (such as, for example, UNP frames around an overhead door) then have the value FALSE for the LoadBearing parameter.


If elements are partly load-bearing and are not modelled in sections, the load-bearing part is considered to be determinative. Please note: in existing buildings, too, a clear distinction must be made between load-bearing and non-load-bearing.

Starting point

The LoadBearing property should preferably be given to elements from the following IFC entities:

  • IfcBeam
  • IfcColumn
  • IfcMember
  • IfcPlate
  • IfcSlab
  • IfcWall
  • IfcChimney (IFC4)
  • IfcFooting (IFC4)
  • IfcPile (IFC4)
  • IfcRamp (IFC4)
  • IfcRoof (IFC4)
  • IfcStair (IFC4)


TIP: IFC2x3Tc1: As an example IfcPile has no LoadBearing property in the Pset_PileCommon. If you want to indicate that this foundation pile is (or is not) structurally load-bearing, you must use IFC4 or indicate this in a custom PropertySet.